American Dreamer

How I Escaped Communist Vietnam and Built a Successful Life in America

In his book, author Tim (Khiem)Tran highlights the hope America represented for him throughout his life, from gaining an education to ultimately achieving democratic freedom. His continued determination, optimism, and strength of character demonstrate what it really means to be American, and American Dreamer is the product of his hard-earned wisdom. It’s also a riveting and timely memoir that provides a compassionate lens through which to view the current refugee crisis.

“My goal in life is to make a humble contribution to the society that accepted and helped me when I was a person without a country.” — Tim Tran

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Author Tim Tran is available to ZOOM into book club discussions and answers questions. Please contact him via the CONTACT page on this website to schedule a date and time.

tim tran

About the Author

Tim Tran, Vietnamese name Tran Manh Khiem, emigrated to America as a penniless refugee and quickly became a successful businessman and ultimately a university benefactor. Tran’s story is a true embodiment of the American Dream.

“How do you spell the word ‘opportunity’? I prefer to spell it with three letters: U.S.A.”

Latest Updates

In 2017, the Trans established an endowment fund for the Pacific University Libraries. In honor of their gift, the library building at Pacific University’s Forest Grove campus was renamed in honor of Tim (Khiem) and Cathy (Thuy) Tran.

“The support the Trans have given will last in perpetuity. And we will strive to offer each of our students the kind of welcome, support and opportunities for discovery that the Trans found here. We are so incredibly proud of their success and grateful for their support.”
— Lesley Hallick, President, Pacific University

tim & cathy tran library

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